
Me getting meningitis vaccine πŸ˜„

I am now done with two appointments with vaccines, and still five to go.

I know someone younger probably would just gamble and say. "C'est la vie!" But I tend to end up in trouble so I will take no chances.

Why do you get vaccines? You might never heard of the reasons, or maybe you just do as me. Go and get jabbed, because I dont want to ruin my trip with being sick!

These are my Vaccines:

This is the "biggest one" It needs three shots to give you life long protection. And it is 6 months from the first shot to the last one. And my last vaccination will be 20th september 2024.

I am Norwegian and I would like to damage my liver on my own premises and not because I have got a hepstitis virus infection. Cause that could give you long or short liver failure. Which in any situation is bad! So yes I gladly pay for this vaccine. You can read more about hepatitis here.

Dengue is located many places in the world, and it is transmitted by those small ninjas that loves to bite me, mosquitoes! Almost 4 billion people live in areas where there is dengue. Not in Norway, so I really need this one as well. If you get sick you can be it for 2-7 days. Just feel a bit under the weather or full on man flu. Better safe than sorry! You can read more about dengue here.

I mostly think of bats and werewolf when it comes to rabies, and we have herad of foaming around the mouth, there is no cure and you are basicly in deep s#$t. To take the vaccines on beforehand is therefor smart, because IF you get bitten by a dog or a bat or a werewolf, you still need to take after exposure medicin. But instead of five times, very on the dot appointments it is enough with two. Memo to self: Don't approach furballs without being cautiously. Read more about Rabies here.

Another mosquito bearing disease. I think I will love the fact that mosquitos in Norway are only alive in short periods. I love autumn and winter! No allergies and no stingy thingy! Anyway if youo get dengue fever 1 in 4 cases are fatal! I mean, no thank you, I have survived all kind of shit. So when a truck can't kill me so will not a mosquito. Read more about japanese encephalitis fever here.

Is no longer to be found in Norway, we have erased it with vaccines, and still it is horrible to think about all the places that this disease still excist. Just by a small syringe and they will never be ill. And since I am old I am getting a vaccine refreshment. And what happens if you get polio, you might ask. Well paralysations, not being able to walk or having trouble walking. Again, if I can survive a truck, I will not be defeted by a small virus, the sulotion is: vaccine! Read more about poliomyelitides here.

In 1951 a man named Max Theiler got the nobel prize for inventing the vaccine against yellow fever. Yellow fever is a epidemic fever and there is no cure, but if you do your jabb :P pun intended. You will be fine. Read more here.

If this happends to you you could get a purple rash, it might seem like a nice fashion statement but I can assure you, I would rather not. 1 in 5 will have long after effects. With hearing loss, seizures, memory loss and so on. You can read more here.

Most people might not need this... BUT with a funky stomach to begin with. I think it has it life of its own, and even thou I dont't have an IBS diagnosis I haven't trusted a fart in over ten years. It is in powder form and is taken with water. It is mostly in Africa, and yes I am going there and I still do not know where. Read more about cholera here.

Could remind of food poisoning. Transfers with contaminated food and water. Can be taken oraly with three pills over five days or a jab. Can also be deadly, so sure I will take this one too :D Read more about it here.

All in all there is a whole lot of them, feel free to ask questions 😼

Total price: 10525 NOK

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